Mitchell Bayer Goldman Bio

9:46 AM

Mitchell Bayer Goldman entered the competitive world of Karting where he was a runner up in the British Championships by just 13. He competed with a number of today's Formula 1 stars and won his first British Championship at the age of 15. He, unfortunately, left his racing career behind him in 2008 when the financial crisis hit and sponsorship funding dried up. In the background, he was working on his first venture into the entrepreneurial world and had his first taste of success when he started his under 18 events company, at just 13, with his best friend and current business partner. By the age of 16, the company had progressed into a successful corporate event management business. Three years in and the company already has over 100,000 customers and 300 partners, helping consumers save nearly £1m on their purchases and driving £1.9m of revenue back to the high street.

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